
The production of premium quality feed means improving animal wellbeing. Animal wellbeing means producing top quality, valuable food in harmony with nature.


This brand arose from the history and experience of the Grigi Group, which put all its know-how into this line of products and invested in research to innovate the zootechnical sector. Only 5 raw materials produced with a net zero footprint.


This brand has 50 years' experience in producing zootechnical feeds. Its product line extends right up to the end customer and their pets It has always stood out not only for the absolute top quality food it gives breeders and retailers and its respect for the environment and for animal welfare, but also for its dedication to innovation.


The customer and retailer equity of this historic brand in the zootechnical sector is one of the most prominent in Italy. Its product catalogue covers all the needs of both rural and industrial breeders.


This is the benchmark brand for seed and straw cereal production and marketing.

Selection of raw materials

The Grigi Group’s production chain is based on the local farmers, who care for the land where our raw materials grow. This is followed by the harvest of the cereals, legumes and olives etc. Depending on the season, the raw materials are first stored and then subjected systematically to quality standard checks. Then the preparation of the zootechnical food begins, based on over 50 years of experience gained in the business. This is the most important phase in the chain, where the company can really make a difference compared to the competition. Our customer loyalty begins right here.


  • For many years, we have dedicated ourselves to organic zootechnics and have provided our customers with tailor-made food or mix of organic foods to complete their companies’ raw materials.
  • In addition to the traditional feeds, we also offer organic diets for dairy zootechnics (cows, buffalos or sheep and goats) and for meat and egg poultry farming. The feed is supplied loose or in big bags to any region in Italy. Our organic cereals and legumes come from our controlled, certified supply chains to guarantee maximum food safety and authentic quality.
  • Our raw materials to produce animal feeds are certified NON-GMO.